Deal your anger in a moment

 Today I'm going to cover a topic on anger .  I will let you know how individuals can control on their anger and handle kind of situation in manner .

perhaps , we all have faced anger issue in different situation like when a person get angry they raise their voice and start speaking hurtful things and might they can insult anyone . sometimes individuals  ruined work by  their own hands because of anger issue . 

If you also get anger quickly so you don't need to be sad here i bring some tips if you follow them you may get rid your anger and become calm person day by day but only reading not will help you , you have to follow steps . 

why we should control on anger ? 

controlling anger allow us to maintain our own well being , healthy relationships , make a better decision ,  resolve conflict more effectively , achieve professional success and so on . it is an essential for more emotional intelligence and contribute to a more peaceful and fulfilling life . 

here we understand why should we control on anger now lets go and read some techniques that can help you to handle situation calmly . 

1. Take deep breath : deep breath can help calm your nervous system and reduce anger , inhale slowly through your nose , hold your breath for few seconds and then exhale slowly through your mouth . repeat this several time until you feel you anger has gone .

2. Counting .  when you feel anger rising , take a moment and start counting 1 to 10 that will help you to distract from your current situation . 

3. Take a break : if you find yourself getting increasingly angry . remove yourself from situation for a while . take a walk . listen to music , engage yourself to an activity that can relax you or start talking to another person .  

4. Practice mindfulness : close your eyes for a while and start thinking about positive things like god and observe your thoughts . 

5 .Remember : This techniques will help you to manage  anger in a moment if you follow this techniques  by your heart you'll able to manage  anger even you can control on your anger .  managing anger need some practice and patience . 

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